Each in Its Season

Each in Its Season


It is barely April

and the much maligned dandelion

is among the first arrivals.

She comes hurling herself at our lawns uninvited.

Is that why she is unwelcome?

Radiant little being!

Look at her glowing cheeks

and love her for her steadfast devotion.


Meanwhile, we watch impatiently

for our garden darlings:

the tender tulips of May

the pomp and peonies of June

the irises so independent

lilies lithe and lovely in July’s heat.


Following these divas

the umbels of elders flower

like points of sweet cream dappled in a basket

and the heady scent of valerian

soothes our sleep through open windows.


Soon Queen Anne’s lace

fringes every field and meadow

and ornamental jewelweed

sways tall and taller, pink and laughing

at the stalwart efforts and dense yellow of goldenrod.


And then the asters of August,

appearing right on time,

first as questions,

later as purple answers.


Each in its season.

Each with its reason.

Why here,

why now?

Choosing to live

is all.

3 thoughts on “Each in Its Season

  1. P.S. It’s not enough to say I love this poem. It’s so much more than that. The first stanza, the much maligned dandelion, captures your spirit at its purest.

    “She comes hurling herself at our lawns uninvited. / Is that why she is unwelcome?”

    Yes, maybe that’s why we hate her so: she pops up everywhere—worst of all, in the middle of our precisely cut grass, so even, so fine—to disrupt our sense of order. She scoffs at our idea of perfection.

    “Look at her glowing cheeks / and love her for her steadfast devotion.”

    In these lines, so full of a love of life, I hear your voice, your wisdom, preserved forever for generations to come. I can see a future in which Gen C is forced to slow down for just a moment in another time of crisis yet to come. They will return to poetry for its simplicity, its humanity—just as I’m brushing up on the age-old practice of pressing flowers this morning in The New York Times.

    Much love to you and to Stephen as a source of inspiration and support of your art.

    shelley thompson 88 east fork rd camden, me 04843 _______________________

    c: 207.691.6848 e: shelley.thompson01@gmail.com

    sent from my iPad



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